Happy New Year 2021!!

Nancy Shimmy
2 min readDec 31, 2020

It is time for us to say good bye to 2020 (yes!). While we do so, it’s important to take a moment and look back on all the life lessons and personal growth that has happened.. and to be grateful for it all. All the tears, fears, happiness and joy has lead us to where we are now, today. To the awesomeness that each one of us is today.

2020 has been a year of change, of learning, of community, of new friends, and narrowing my focus towards my passions and life goals.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will come” — “We attract our tribe”.

Amongst the many changes, I have deleted and moved my blog to essentricswithnancy.com. Although I will continue to blog about life experience, Essentrics and wellness, my focus is on teaching Essentrics.

Another change that happened was in my hoop journey. I went from student, to teacher, back to student. (ooff) Teaching and sharing my love of learning hoop dance was tons of fun. But I felt I didn’t have much time left for my own learning. This brought me to the decision of stepping away from teaching hoop to focusing on my own hoop journey.

As I continue to learn and grow as a hooper, I will be sharing video clips and eventually… short hula hoop tutorials at times on my instagram and mostly on my youtube channel:

The Shimmies ‘n Hoops Facebook page and @shimmiesnhoops instagram account will soon be deleted.

I believe it is a year for me to continue growing as a human, as an educator and as a content creator. To continue my journey of paying it forward through social media content and through my Essentrics classes. My drive and passion is to help you help yourself on your journey to health, happiness and wellness.

Have you chosen a word for 2021? What will it be?

Each one of you have made the past year very special and important for me. Your presence and energy in my classes is special to me and an important part of my day. I can only hope I bring as much to you as you bring to me.

My wish for you is that 2021 is filled with happiness, abundance and wonderful adventures. May you live each day finding balance and wellness.

Happy New Year! 🥂

Originally published at https://www.essentricswithnancy.com on December 31, 2020.



Nancy Shimmy

A Mom, a wife, a friend. I try to see life through the eyes of my inner child. I have passion for life, for family, for learning, and for healing movement.