December Bucket List Ideas — Be happy and have fun.
December is an exciting time of year for me. The first real snow storm where the snow stays on the ground. First snowman of the year. The little girl in me is still in awe of the magic of winter. Childhood memories come flooding back right along with all the feelings of excitement and wonder brought by the first snowfall. (I have a December bucket list and didn’t realize it until now.)
I love to celebrate each season… to dive within myself and relive childhood feelings of outdoor fun lived each season. I try my best to be in the moment and feel the difference within each season… Like for example, each season smells different, the sun feels different, the air feels different and even the sounds surrounding us are different. Each change of season reminds me how awesome it is to be alive in this moment.
December is a special month because it represents Christmas, Holidays, family, and more. I try to celebrate a little each week… Here is what our family’s December bucket list looks like:
December Bucket List Ideas:
In 1993 I purchased a Christmas coloring book and would make a point of coloring in it each Christmas vacation. This year I purchased a brand-new adult Christmas coloring book. I have already colored my first page. Coloring is very zen. It brings my focus to the present moment, thinking only of the colors and staying between the lines. Something about a finished creation (page) is very satisfying.
Something the kids and I still enjoy is baking gingerbread cookies together. And especially eating them fresh out of the oven. We only bake gingerbread cookies around the Holiday season. It has kept this tradition even more special for us so that every time we eat a gingerbread cookie, we are reminded of the love and comfort felt while baking together.
Christmas movies.
Seriously, is there anything more fun than staying in your jammies all morning and binging on Christmas movies with the family?
Holiday cocktail.
Hot chocolate with crushed candy canes. Drink it while watching Christmas movies, carry it with you in a travel mug while doing other wintery activities listed below. Add Kahlua for an adult version or maybe even some Fireball for that cinnamon Holiday flavor.
Outdoor fun.
Every season has a reason to be outdoors. The snowy season has a “Marsh mellow World” magic for us to enjoy. My husband and I’s favorite thing to go snowshoeing, our own trails in the woods. Fresh air, sounds of the chickadees, of snow falling off the branches and of our snowshoes sinking in the fresh snow. It really is a winter wonderland.
Leisurely stroll.
My son, who is now 19 years old, to this stay will ask me each year to go for a walk on Main street in Moncton and on Champlain street in Dieppe. We time it with a light evening snow fall. Perfect. The lights, the decorations, the city angels and city Christmas trees…. Magical. As a family, we LOVE walking along the Riverview waterfront amongst all those beautiful Christmas lights. (Link to Town of Riverview Facebook page — photo)
Gift from the heart.
I think the best thing is finding that special gift for each of my kids and for my husband and then wrapping it in one of our special reusable Christmas boxes or fabrics. The wrapping is part of the gift and is done with a lot of love and special attention. I find the joy in wrapping those gifts and I want my family to find as much joy just looking at those gifts while anxiously waiting for Christmas. :) More on our Holiday traditions and photo of those pretty boxes at:
What are your favorite things to do in December? What are your favorite family activities during this special month and around the Holiday season? Let me know. I am always interested in learning new things.
Yours in health ~ Nancy Shimmy